back in black

at 2021.05.06 14:16  ca ROCK  pv 61  by sunrongjiang  

I hit the sack 我栽倒在床上
I've been too long I'm glad to be back 虽然耗时很久,但我很高兴终于回来
Yes, I'm let loose from the noose 是的,我解开了绳索
That's kept me hanging about 它已经绑了我很久
I've been looking at the sky 我仰望着天空
'Cause it's gettin' me high 因为它使我上升
Forget the hearse 'cause I never die 别管什么灵车,因为我根本不会死
I got nine lives cat's Eyes 我得到了九条命和猫的眼睛
Abusin' every one of them and running wild 我虐待每一个生命,狂野飞奔
'Cause I'm back 因为我回来了
Yes, I'm back 是的,我回来了
Well, I'm back 很好,我回来了
Yes, I'm back 是的,我回来了
Well, I'm back, back很好,我回来了,回来了
(Well) I'm back in black (很好)我回到了黑暗
Yes, I'm back in black 是的,我回到了黑暗
Back in the back of a Cadillac 回到我的卡迪拉克的后坐
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack 我有最好的子弹,我是最强的弹夹
Yes, I'm in a bang with a gang 是的,我和一帮兄弟进行一场撞击活动。
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang 如果他们要绞死我就先得抓到我
Cause I'm back on the track 因为我回到了轨道上
And I'm beatin' the flack 我正在炫耀
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap 已经没人能用他的说辞来搞定我
So look at me now 所以仔细看着我
I'm just makin' my play 我正在创造我的表演
Don't try to push your luck 别想在我面前试试你的运气
Just get out of my way 立刻从我面前滚开
